Do masks really work?

Someone Who is Not an Expert
5 min readDec 22, 2020


by Someone Who is Not an Expert

December 21st at 11:58 PM

While some opinion-based evidence shows that masks are annoying and no fun at all to wear, more recent evidence suggests that the wearing of masks may be more effective in preventing the coronavirus than other such horrific practices as eating raw garlic, exposing yourself to UV radiation, and vaping. (1)

According to a study by Cornell University, masks have the potential to “substantially decrease” the spread of “viral particles” (2).These viral particles, when allowed to accumulate, then turn into a very heavy “viral load”, which then turns into COVID-19 and from that point on becomes extremely dangerous.

This is why experts recommend that people wash their hands often, avoid all non-virtual social contact, and, most importantly, wear a mask in public.

What is a mask

A mask is a covering for all or part of the face, worn as a disguise, or to amuse and terrify other people, although in this case it would be used to terrify and amuse the coronavirus, or COVID-19 (3).



Someone Who is Not an Expert

Not an Expert. Occasionally publishes articles under the alias “Someone Who Has No Idea What They’re Talking About”. Enjoys tea, is terrified of cats.