“The Day I Lost Everything”

Man who was attacked and infected with the coronavirus recalls the day he lost everything

Someone Who is Not an Expert
5 min readDec 6, 2020


by Someone Who is Not an Expert

December 6th, 2020 at 11:35 AM MDT

Einar Jonsson, 68, outside his farm in Ohio.

An Icelandic sheep farmer who lost most of his assets in a COVID fire has come forward to describe what happened the morning one of his chickens deliberately infected him with the coronavirus, set his house on fire, then fled town with the farmer’s life savings in hand.

Einar Jonsson of Nithurkut, 68, would have described his life as humble and monotonous up until the morning of November 20th, 2020, when he woke to the smell of smoke.

“When I opened my eyes, one of my chickens was standing on my bedside table, watching me,” Jonsson said. The chicken allegedly also had a star shaped birthmark on his feathers which investigators believe may actually be a gang-related tattoo.

The chicken, who now goes by the name of Thomas and is believed to be the lead thug in a gang, then proceeded to lodge the coronavirus into the farmer’s skin in a series of precise and deadly strikes. He then grabbed the bag of diamonds which were the farmer’s life savings and fled the scene.



Someone Who is Not an Expert

Not an Expert. Occasionally publishes articles under the alias “Someone Who Has No Idea What They’re Talking About”. Enjoys tea, is terrified of cats.